What is CoderDojo?
We hold free computer coding and digital skill sessions on one Saturday each month during term time for youngsters aged between 7 and 17. Girls are especially encouraged to attend, and we welcome kids with no experience at all, as well as those with a bit more knowledge or experience.
How to book
Booking is done through private Eventbrite invitations. To join, please register on our Contact page or use the green button below. Our sessions take place at Kingston University in Kingston-Upon-Thames, south-west London. A parent or carer must accompany youngsters under 13 years of age.
How does it work?
Sessions always start at 2pm and run to 4pm
There's a screen break at 3pm for a chance to eat or drink
At 4pm we have Show and Tell, at which any of the children can come up to the front and show off what they've made
Typical activities include
programming using Scratch and Python
electronics with Raspberry Pi or Micro:bit
websites (HTML/CSS)
game making with Unity
Upcoming sessions
Saturday 2:00 - 4:30pm
5 October
9 November
7 December
11 January
8 February
15 March
10 May
7 June
Our summer break coincides with the university's summer holiday so after June we will return in the Autumn term of 2025.
If your child is more experienced they can even help to mentor some of our younger children, and some parents are very active in our sessions too. We are based in superb facilities kindly provided by Kingston University’s STEM outreach programme. Come and join us - no experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and interest in all things computing.
CoderDojo KU is a club operated by Kingston Coding for Kids CIO, a charity registered in England and Wales (No. 1208175)